Don't let company car taxes give your business the red light
When operating a small- to medium-size business, you'll face many expenses that could be written off as tax deductions resulting in a lowering of monthly and yearly overheads. Costs like rent, inventory, payroll and utilities are some areas where you can claim when filing your taxes. In this article, we’ll discuss company car tax and business car hire and give your business bank account the green light.
Is a company car hire beneficial to my business?
You've heard the saying "Why buy a book when you can have a whole library?". This mentality is a perfect reflection on the question of whether a business car hire is the right choice for your business.
When you hire company cars from SIXT, you'll have access to a fleet of vehicle types your small business or start-up might not have had the budget to buy like box trucks or large passenger vans.
Avoid spending money on maintenance, licencing and upkeep associated with owning company cars which will reduce monthly expenses and headaches.
Have access to 24-hour support for emergencies.
Take out extra cover and ensure the safety and security of your precious products on the move.
With so many branches in so many locations, you'll be part of a huge network making getting business done from one place to another effortless.
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10 Keys to a successful business from SIXT business
Establishing and running a successful business, is no easy matter in today’s time. If done wrong, it can be a time and resource-consuming project. But with these Tips from SIXT business, you can achieve your goals of running a successful and growing business.
Only half of all business startups survive the first 5 years, says Tom Eisenmann, a Harvard Business School Professor. Eisenmann states that the business Keys to success are not only good planning and organisation but as well analytic thinking, awareness of the competition, preparedness for sacrifices and being ready for the tasks ahead.
Keys to success
1. Analyse the competition
As the quote goes Your enemy can be your best teacher, this saying goes as well for businesses. If you look into the work of your competitors, learn from their projects, work and failures. You don’t have to copy their enterprise that will only hurt your own business and reputation.
But learning from your competition, and how they resolved issues and made their business flourish can be business Keys to success.
Depending on the type of bus...
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Company car subscription versus company car leasing - Your mobility, your choice
Company car subscription or company car leasing? Aren’t they the exact same thing? If you’re asking yourself this question while reading this you’re not alone. We get it. Both solutions allow you to drive brand-new cars without having to pay upfront. So what’s the difference? The difference is flexibility. The flexibility to pick, choose and change your company car whenever you need to versus fixed-term lease agreements with absolutely no wiggle room. While we might be a little biased, both options come with great benefits. Let’s figure out the right solution that’ll fit your exact business needs.
Company car subscription or company car leasing — Here’s how they’re different
Before we get started on telling you all about the great benefits of a company car subscription in detail, let’s first talk about how it’s different from traditional company car leasing. Because it is different, we promise. This guide will help you make an informed decision between a company car subscription or company car leasing.
Company car subscription
Company car leasing
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Secure bookings with Two-Factor Authentication—Directive (EU) 2015/2366 PSD2
Driving your new business car should be secure from the moment you get behind the wheel. So should managing your SIXT account. With Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in accordance with Directive (EU) 2015/2366 PSD2, we make sure all your bookings and payments are as safe as possible.
What is the Payment Services Directive2?
Directive (EU) 2015/2366 PSD2 (short: PSD2) is a convoluted way of saying: Let’s make your payments and bookings as safe as possible by ensuring nobody can book a shiny new business car in your name and drive off while you’re stuck with a headache and lots of paperwork.
On 14/09/2019 the European Union issued a new directive for online payments that requires Two-Factor Authentication every time you want to make a purchase on the internet. If you’ve ever bought something online over the last 2 years, you’ll already be familiar with 2FA. It might sound complicated, but it really is just a couple extra clicks before hitting ‚Buy'.
Since certain kinds of online bookings, especially of big-ticket items such as a car, pose a potential risk for fraud, both banks and the EU decided that one single password isn’t enough protection for your accounts. Instead, according to Directive (EU) 2015/2366 PSD2 you need two different types of authentication from different categories in order to determine your identity. The categories are Knowledge (password, PIN,...
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Company car subscription versus company car buying—Mobility that fits your needs
In today’s world, it can be quite tough to make a decision of such impact as opting for a company car subscription or company car purchase. In business especially, this can be daunting. With buying, you need to invest a considerable chunk of money that you might later need for other business ventures. With car subscriptions comes the perceived disadvantage of always driving ’someone else's car’. And yet, both options have benefits. Which one is the better choice for you depends on your unique business needs.
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10 questions you should ask yourself before getting a new car
The 3 myths about the benefits of car ownership
Company car subscription: How does it work?
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